How to Prevent Joint Pain?
For some time now I've had tight and sore calves Curafen Review after running, and continuing Achilles tendonitis. I've tried a few treatments - exercises to loosen my buttock muscles and muscles around my hips. This is because I hold to the belief that the cause of the pain is rarely at the site of the pain. If your body is lop sided, if muscles somewhere are too tight, then you place too much strain on one leg - hence the calf and Achilles pain is usually more intense on one leg than the other. The other thing that can happen is an abnormal foot strike which puts pressure on the Achilles and the foot generally. It's pretty hard to change the foot strike without wedges in your show or an orthotic. I've been on the slope board before and after runs to stretch calves and have been wearing a neoprene anklet with an ice pack down the back of it. I went to the podiatrist and he gave me some wedges for my shoes. Thanks heavens I didn't need orthotics! Progre...